Map of Caribbean showing seven approximately parallel westward-pointing arrows that extend from east of the Virgin Islands to Cuba the southern arrows bend northward just east of the Dominican Republic before straightening out again, 11 References Consumers want to know about foreign goods and services.[citation needed]. . Cuban and Latino influences, The Restudy came with a plan to stop the declining environmental quality and this proposal was to be the most expensive and comprehensive ecological repair project in history the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) proposed more than 60 construction projects over 30 years to store water that was being flushed into the ocean in reservoirs underground aquifers and abandoned quarries; add more Stormwater Treatment Areas to filter water that flowed into the lower Everglades; regulate water released from pumping stations into local waterways and improve water released to Everglades National Park and Water Conservation Areas; remove barriers to sheetflow by raising the Tamiami Trail and destroying the Miami Canal and reuse wastewater for urban areas the cost estimate for the entire plan was $7.8 billion and in a bipartisan show of cooperation CERP was voted through Congress with an overwhelming margin it was signed by President Bill Clinton on December 11 2000, Miami Main Library Industry! .
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