. . . Growth as a global city, Academics As of 2010 those of Hispanic or Latino ancestry accounted for 22.5% (4,223,806) of Florida's population Out of the 22.5% the largest groups were 6.5% (1,213,438) Cuban 4.5% (847,550) Puerto Rican 3.3% (629,718) Mexican and 1.6% (300,414) Colombian Florida's Hispanic population includes large communities of Cuban Americans in Miami and Tampa Puerto Ricans in Orlando and Tampa and Mexican/Central American migrant workers the Hispanic community continues to grow more affluent and mobile as of 2011 57.0% of Florida's children under the age of 1 belonged to minority groups Florida has a large and diverse Hispanic population with Cubans and Puerto Ricans being the largest groups in the state Nearly 80% of Cuban Americans live in Florida especially South Florida where there is a long-standing and affluent Cuban community Florida has the second largest Puerto Rican population after New York as well as the fastest-growing in the nation Puerto Ricans are more widespread throughout the state though the heaviest concentrations are in the Orlando area of Central Florida.
. . . See also: List of Governors of Florida United States congressional delegations from Florida List of United States Senators from Florida and Florida Cabinet.
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